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Tempered Diamonds

Tempered Diamonds 

February 2024


Mead Details:

This mead was made using Blueberry Blossom Honey from Blueberry farms in West Michigan. Acquired by Shoreline Honey Farm in Hudsonville, Michigan.  


The yeast DV10 was used.


This mead was aged for 6 months until bottled. 


Tasting notes from Karl,

Tempered Diamonds:

Before I even get to tasting here, it’s gotta be said, the nose on the Diamonds here is something else. It’s hosting a near nuttiness within the aroma. I wasn’t expecting that, but it’s certainly enjoyable! It is also complemented by the blueberry blossom honey’s expected, but rather subtle floral notes thereafter. Very interesting.


Getting into the flavor profile with a subtle sweetness that’s more unusual for our traditional style meads, but certainly not displeasing! Rolling in with a fun floral, earthiness within a pleasingly semi-sweet honey profile that betrays an ever so shy fruitiness. The Tempered Diamonds is a raw beauty like its namesake; with larger sips being smooth, sweet and positively addicting. Where a smaller sip and a slow appreciation of this mead beholds all of the beautiful little details with a off-dry finish. A wonderful addition to our cast of trads, to be sure
