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The Devil Wears A Witch’s Hat

The Devil Wears A Witch’s Hat 

May 2024



Mead Details-

This mead is a three honey blend traditional. Made with Meadowfoam honey (same used in Daedalus), Fireweed honey (same used in Diabolus), and local Dexter Wildflower honey from Jacob’s Fresh Farm.

The yeast used was DV10


The barrels-

After fermentation, the mead was put into a fresh dumped barrel that had an Imperial Stout from Witch’s Hat Brewing Co. The stout was their BA Vanilla Night Fury. Originally, the barrel was a Rye Whiskey barrel from Valentine Distillery. 

  After spending 6 months in the Vanilla Night Fury barrel, it was then placed in a freshly dumped Detroit City Distillery Bourbon barrel for another 4 months. 


This mead was aged for 12 months before bottling. 


Tasting notes from Karl-


Now here is a mead I’ve been waiting for since I first heard of it many moons ago. Triple honey; Meadowfoam, Fireweed and our favorite local Dexter Wildflower all intertwined within two barrels. Not just any, of course, as the triple trad started off in one of Witch’s Hat’s Vanilla Night Fury barrels followed by a vacay in one of Detroit City Distillery’s Butcher’s Cut barrels. Needless to say, I’m excited!


Starting off with the nose you get hit immediately with a lush honey sweetness and a backing of those barrels. With the Butcher’s Cut really poking through the longer you open it up.


Finally, the profile: We start off with a lavish blend of sweet honey with, in my opinion, the Meadowfoam and Wildflower shining. Under that is the Fireweed, laying the foundation for the layered barrel tannins. Dissecting this mead’s profile is nearly as enjoyable as its flavor. With many micro flavors battling it out in decadent waves, whilst never quite overpowering each other. This mead is everything as advertised; sweet honey and complimentary barrel notes. Perfect for traditional lovers and barrel aged mead lovers.   
